Access Point Financial provides Renovation/ FF&E financing


More than any hotel finance company, Access Point Financial offers customized solutions and provides certainty of execution for franchisees who seek to capitalize on unique market opportunities, such as Capex Loans. Being a preferred lender with close alliances to leading associations and brands in the hospitality industry, we are able to provide tailored loans to meet the specific needs of hotel owners. APF provides hotel financing expertise and efficient underwriting and loan processing.

APF is considered a leader in the hospitality industry for Capex, Bridge, Construction, and Mezzanine/ Preferred Equity loans. Other financial institutions only look at the hotel’s historical financial performance when making a credit decision. APF’s focus is on proforma based underwriting and understanding the transaction in detail. Each loan opportunity is unique. Our focus is on value-add transactions where the hotel is undergoing a conversion or the hotel must undergo a brand mandated Property Improvement Plan (PIP) or renovation. We will also look at construction loans, with strong and experienced sponsors, for a strong brand in a robust and stable market. We understand these types of transactions intimately and work diligently with clients to ensure a smooth and successful closing.

APF loan terms are based on the creditworthiness of the borrower and the viability of the project, and our model allows for transparent loan product delivery.


Access Point Financial provides Renovation/ FF&E financing for:

  • Hotel renovations
  • Property improvement plans (“PIPs”)
  • Brand conversions
  • Furniture, fixture and equipment “FF&E” for a new construction project.

These loans typically range from $500,000 to $10 million and are amortized over the useful life of theassets, typically 3-10 years. Our experience and knowledge of the hotel industry enable us to underwrite and close these loans in a shorter time period than most lenders. APF is able to thoughtfully structure a Capex loan to meet the franchisees’ specific needs and the requirements of their mortgage lender several loan and capital lease.

APF is able to thoughtfully structure a Capex loan to meet the franchisee’s specific needs and the requirements of their senior mortgage through several loan and capital lease options.

Capex financing can provide up to 20 percent of the total project costs for a new construction project. This allows the developer to more easily secure construction financing as this lowers the overall risk to a potential construction lender.



    Up to $10 Million per property.


    Up to 100% of cost for the acquisition of FF&E for the development of new hotel properties or the refurbishment or conversion of existing properties to include soft cost and construction related items


    Floating rates from 7–10% based on credit review and scope of project


    7 – 10 years based on useful life of the equipment (typically 5-7 years). Interest only period of up to 18 months available based on cash flow and stabilization needs.


    Personal and/or corporate guarantees as applicable


    Minimum 1.25x at stabilization (typically 18-24 months post renovation)


    Total overall debt on property not to exceed 85% percent of cost for new construction or 70% percent of stabilized value for an existing property

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